Niels Balle Group: “Out of time” (Intermusic 1996)
Niels Balle-Solveig Høye Group:
“Like a bird” (Intermusic 1998)
“Midnattssol” (Intermusic 2001)
Niels Balle Project:
“Nordic Moods” (Calibrated 2005)
“Flood of Light” (Lyshav)(Calibrated 2008)
“Nordiske Glimt” (Gateway music 2012)
“The Mystery of Nature” (Gateway music 2017)
-med “Holum/Balle Quartet”(feat. Anna Kruse):
“Drømmelys” (Gateway music 2019)
-med guitarist og visesanger René Schmidt: “Lysglimt” (Gateway music 2014)
med “Entering” / Uffe Steen: “Sky-ink” (Klingklang 1991)
med Ole Berthelsen: “Verden til forskel” (1990)